Jul 9, 2013 | Blog

The “BIG GAY ART SHOW”  Playful and provocative, just the title set reactions in motion. Those that attended found it was also genuine, inspiring, earnest and fun. The first of what Sedona Verde Valley Gay Pride hopes will be an annual event, the work in the show was a well selected mix of emerging and professional artists. Over the course of it’s three days 100’s of visitors, from artists to patrons attended.
This inaugural event was beautifully presented. I was proud to see my work hanging between a striking oil on canvas by Gregory Hull and the fine design and woodwork of Taylor Hellmann. A diversity of style and wide range of media made the show interesting, inviting one to stay, explore, discover.
Thank you to everyone who stepped up to make this happen. From the generosity of the Sedona Art Center to the committed volunteers willing to take on the challenging task of organizing a group of artists. Thank you Julie Hardesty for your vision and consistent commitment.  And kudos to those emerging artists with the courage to share their work, together we made for a great show.
There is so much more to say about the talent that presented this year at the Big Gay Art Show. Ask me about it if I see you. For now I have to get back to my easel … the canvas is calling!
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