Celebrating Our International Day of Peace

“May people of all ages and backgrounds be inspired to pursue creative, non-violent solutions to resolve our differences and create a shared vision for a peaceful future.” 

In the spirit of embracing a Love for all living things, Sacred Sedona Now invites you to join us in celebrating the 42nd annual International Day of Peace. 

“Peace Day” or the International Day of Peace is observed around the world. Every year on 21 September, the United Nations calls on all nations and people to put down their weapons and reaffirm their commitment to living in harmony with one another.  Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace in your home, in your cities, in the world.

Peace Day is intended to commemorate and strengthen the ideals of peace. A peace found within and among all nations, and all people. As human beings, I believe there is much we can agree on. We share so much more in common than we are different. For example, our shared desire for safety, meaning and quality of life. We all want to be happy, although at times it seems we may go about finding our happiness in funny and not so funny ways. I also believe there is not a single living being who does not wish to be free of their pain or their fear. And I am certain, above all, we all wish to be loved. We want these things not only for ourselves but also for those we hold dear in our hearts. 

“May we each connect with the Divine Peace that naturally lies within. May we know Peace now and in future generations.”

May we inspire each other to turn our noblest aspirations for peace into a practical reality. When challenging circumstances arise in relationship to others, I often remind myself of our common humanity. I pause, open my heart and my mind to consider a new perspective, I seek to cultivate understanding. May we each connect with the Divine Peace that naturally lies within. May we know Peace now and in future generations. 

The power to create change lies in our own hands. small actions consistently taken have the potential to set in motion powerful energies. Grounded in compassionate intention, may we give rise to healing and the potential for an awakened world, a world motivated by kindness, compassion and understanding. Ultimately, we will find an end of suffering for all beings. And isn’t this what many of us are here for? I know I am. 

Let us take a moment on this International Day of Peace, to expand our hearts, embrace our common humanity and set an intention for all beings to be happy, free and loved.

May we take time to reflect more deeply on those things we share in common as human beings. 

For activities in and around Sedona click here for the calendar of event from the Sedona International City of Peace. 

For additional tools & practices to support our individual and collective movement towards a more peaceful and compassionate world, click here to Follow the Peace Trail with Shey Khandro

You may also wish to revisit last year’s Inner Peace Challenge: https://sheyglobal.com/inner-peace-challenge/ 

And thank YOU for your commitment to Peace.

We would love to hear from you: 

  • How are you finding Peace?
  • How will you celebrate Peace Day?
  • What things do you believe we share in common? 


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