Sometimes we find our kindred spirits in the most unexpected places. My tailor, Mr. Bali, comes to work each day in a shirt and tie, a proper, older gentleman. He is from Turkey and has practiced all his life in a shamanistic tradition, a shaman himself. On occasion we have engaged in deep philosophical conversation, something I find absolutely irresistible!
I swing in one morning to pick up a suit I was having fitted and he asks me what I think of the state of affairs in our world today? Realizing this was not a “how you doin’?” kinda question. I paused for a moment.
I told him that I have a feeling of great confidence. I feel there is movement, a rising of our collective consciousness. I said that I feel there is a shift taking place. People are beginning to see for themselves the limitations of force and aggression, of the destructive nature of self-concern and greed. That the ego centered me, me, me is not bringing the peace and the happiness that we all strive for.
I actually feel a dynamic confidence, an active confidence. I feel that way because of people like you. I believe that we engage in conversations like this because you, like me, know that a rising of consciousness is what is needed to empower the change that will bring peace to our world and to our very own hearts.
We realize that right here, right now together we are promoting a conversation that will contribute to positive change. We know that this begins with us, with the choices we make, the conversations we engage in. I believe this is a gathering of kindred spirits.
Of course I will say many times that I have come to believe that it is the smallest thoughts and actions that have the potential to empower our lives, to heal, to bring about lasting change; the kind of change that results in peace and happiness in our lives and the world around us.
I believe we have the opportunity, quite possibly the responsibility to make the choice to Love; to practice the transformative power of compassion that arises out of awareness, of living consciously. The power is in the choices we make in this moment.
We are the warriors of today. We carry with us the tools that can cut through hatred, eradicate jealousy and pride: Mindfulness, Honesty, Awareness, Presence. Wisdom and Compassion naturally arise from these practices.We are the hope of the future. We are the possibility for peace.
I am sharing with you things that you already know. Yet I am sharing with you things we all need to remember. I know some of you out there. I know some of you have been out on the front line for a long time and your commitment runs deep and I thank you.